
Ghana: Political Economy Analysis for the Western Region Coastal Foundation Inception Phase

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William Kingsmill led an inception phase political economy analysis for the Ghana Western Region Coastal Foundation during the project's inception phase. Oil and gas production in the region started in 2010 and have transformed local development prospects. The report advised on how to promote extractive industry-led development, while ensuring high quality governance and avoiding the risks of the resource curse.

Green Growth Diagnostics in Africa

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This is a research project to identify the most binding constraints to private investment in clean energy through an innovative "Green Growth Diagnostics" methodology, specifically to Kenya and Ghana. The Policy Practice Input is to provide insights from Political Economy Analysis, quality assurance more generally and the identification of relevant literature.

Mid term Evaluation: Convergence of Sciences: Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems in Benin, Ghana and Mali (CoS-SIS)

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The Convergence of Sciences: Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems programme (CoS-SIS) is a programme of research and innovation carried out by the University of Wageningen and Universities in Ghana, Mali and Benin in the area of small holder agriculture. The Programme consists of two interrelated components: (1) an Action Research programme; and (2) eleven individual PhD projects. The Action Research programme has both development and research objectives.

DFID Governance Portfolio Review

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The Policy Practice are leading three of the country case studies (Nigeria, Ghana and Bangladesh) for DFID's Governance Portfolio Review. This review assesses the impact and value for money of DFID's investment in governance and makes recommendations on improving the effectiveness and coherence of the portfolio.

Ghana Strategic Governance and Corruption Assessment

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Gareth Williams has been contracted to undertake a Strategic Governance and Corruption Assessment for the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ghana. This uses a methodology developed by the Clingendael Institute and Sue Unsworth (Power and Change Analysis) to analyse the root causes of weak governance and local pressures for change. The study will include a country overview and detailed analysis of the health and natural resource management sectors, which are the focus of the Dutch development cooperation programme.

Growth, Sub-National Equity and Poverty Reduction Policies - A Five-Country Comparison

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Following our framework paper on this subject, the Policy Practice was commissioned to prepare a five-country comparative study of sub-national growth and poverty. This paper considers the spatial poverty inheritance and processes of poverty creation and maintenance in Vietnam, India, Ghana, Bolivia and Zambia. It synthesises the main points from five country case studies commissioned by DFID, supplementing this with reference to wider literature.