
Analysis and Program Design: Inclusive Governance and Core State Functions in Somaliland


Funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), contracted under the Expert Advisory Call Down Services (EACDS) framework, TPP is undertaking this assignment to inform and provide the initial design for a multi-donor governance programme in Somaliland on inclusive governance, and to consider the need for any complementary support to strengthening core state functions.

The assignment’s objectives are:

  1. Provide an underlying analysis of Somaliland’s current state capabilities and priority governance challenges to be addressed; 
  2. Conduct a mapping of current and planned governance and core state functions programmes in Somaliland; and
  3. Based on the analysis, propose parameters of an initial programme design of a future multi-donor funded governance programme addressing Somaliland’s most pressing needs when it comes to inclusive governance and identify any priority areas for donors to consider with regard to complementary support in strengthening core state functions.

TPP Principal Alex Duncan, TPP Associate Mohamed Hersi and researcher Sahra Hassan undertook fieldwork in Somaliland and Kenya in April 2022. They met key stakeholders in government and donor agencies in Hargeisa and Nairobi. The team will return to Kenya in May to present their initial findings to a core reference group comprising a mix of international donors.