Mapping and analysis of ODA to media and the information environment
Laure-Hélène Piron (TPP Director) undertook an analysis of official development assistance to media and the information environment for the Governance Network of the OECD Development Assistance Committee which was published in June 2024.
The report shows that the rhetoric of governments which support freedom of expression and condemn disinformation is not matched by sufficient resources. ODA for media and the information environment has increased since 2002, reaching USD 1.5 billion in 2022, but this only represented 0.5% of total ODA in that year. When infrastructure support is excluded, ODA for media fluctuated around USD 500 million a year since 2008 (representing 0.19% of total ODA in 2022). This is despite the growth of threats facing media, such as the rise of censorship and the dominance of technology platforms.
And not enough aid directly reaches local organisations. Only up to 8% of ODA for media and the information environment (representing only 0.05% of total ODA) is directly channelled to media organisations in partner countries, such as journalists, media outlets or civil society organisations working with media or on access to information.
To improve the quality and quantity of ODA for media and the information environment, the report recommends:
- Increasing direct assistance for local public interest media,
- Adopting a broader “information environment” lens
- Improving coordination between (i) digital transformation and ICT infrastructure and (ii) media and information policies and programmes.
- Improving co-ordination and coherence between development partners (including global initiatives)
- Strengthening the evidence base