Start date
7 months
Pathways Global

Mexico Climate Change Political Economy Analysis Brief

Pathways and Our Common Home are working together with ICM ahead of the 2024 presidential elections to develop an understanding of how political will is built in Mexico so that we can recommend strategies to:

1. Garner support for climate action among politically salient audiences

2. Influence the right decision makers, both directly and indirectly, to support faster implementation of climate solutions

As a foundational piece of this project, TPP is undertaking a political economy analysis to help identify political decision-makers and determine routes to speed up the implementation of climate solutions by aligning with their politics, ideas, interests and incentives.

This analysis will be paired with public polling and qualitative analysis to map Mexicans’ underlying values, priorities, motivations, media engagement, information consumption and position on climate. This polling will be commissioned separately but available to those undertaking political economy analysis.

The overall project aim is to identify capacity gaps in the existing climate movement and build strong, fundable political communication and influence field for both the election period and the next five years.